Saturday 31 August 2024

Stone me!


We were looking for a possible Roman road on the high ground above the village, part of helping the Charmouth History Society in their researches. This is part of a project that will include small excavations in the village next year. However, as with much of archaeological research, nothing was found other than made up ground. Even so, local members were happy with their hours digging and being part of the project and both Groups are now going to plan The Big Garden Dig over the winter. This partnership will work to add more information to the story of this ancient settlement on the coast of Dorset.     

If at first you don't succeed...

After the disappointment of the first field at our DMV site on the Purbecks revealing that no archaeology existed there, we have now moved on to the next field and undertaken some more geophysics. This has proven to be more fruitful and some features have been identified.

A darker T-shaped signal may indicate the two house platforms that are located outside the scheduled area of the DMV and next week we are now going to excavate a trial trench to locate these features. We shall report our finding here. Fingers crossed.   


First Features

At last! We have started excavating the non-scheduled DMV. However, the geology is clay, the archaeologists Nemesis. When dry it turns to co...