Sunday 15 September 2019

We wuz robbed!

The floor trench is now being worked on to try and find out what is cutting what. It seems that the modern intrusion does not touch the robbed out wall trench, seen here in the baulk section (red). More fill may need to come out of this latter feature. We are still awaiting the machine to come free so as to extend this trench to the east.

Thursday 12 September 2019

'So, plastic isn't from the 17th century then?'

As Sir Mortimer Wheeler may have said "archaeology is like a box of chocolates; you never know what yer goin' to get".

It was a great disappointment that the void suggested by the geophysics turned out to be modern and had cut through the cobbled floor. The black cross on the geophysics are robbed out walls. To make more sense of this we will try to get the machine in and strip back the trench where the spoil is in this picture. Hopefully we will then have more floor and perhaps one other.

Some positives are the painted wall plaster and moldings and the fine thimble, which is being looked at by an expert to date it more closely.   

The 'cellar' is, in fact, a modern intrusion, with plastic at the base!

There we was, digging this 'ol...

Sherborne Bridewell Three teams worked on the Sherborne Bridewell over three weekends looking for any structures that may have been connecte...