Sunday 6 April 2014

Nether Compton site visit

Saturday 5th April saw DDCAG members visit the site we will be digging for the next few years.
We met at the car park and Alison gave out the new DD badges we have had made.
We headed up the lane toward the site in rather murky conditions, although it was mild. Being misty we did not have a nice view from the ridge when we arrived.
 The field had been ploughed and Chris pointed out the area next to the hedge where we will be excavating, to locate the pits and possibly have a look at the 'temple' that had shown up on the geophiz results. 

After a nice lunch at Sherborne we visited the museum in the town to look at the types of finds we may encounter on our site. The best of the finds will be shown at the museum. 

Saturday 5 April 2014

Nether Compton talk

Chris gave a talk at the village hall at Nether Compton on 26th March. He went through some of the hoards that have been found from the Neolithic to the Anglo-Saxons and what sort of materials were deposited in the ground. He then explained the NC project where DDCAG will be excavating the field where the 22,500+ Romano-British coin hoard was unearthed in 1989. The Metal Detecting club that found the haord was represented by several members in the audience, so it was a great opportunity to form a partnership between the groups so we can share information and help further the project into the future.  

There we was, digging this 'ol...

Sherborne Bridewell Three teams worked on the Sherborne Bridewell over three weekends looking for any structures that may have been connecte...