Thursday, 26 July 2018

Bones, Buckles & Balls

This bone exhibits a nice example of butchery marks.

This 17th c. pot sherd is very nicely decorated.

A very nice decorated button.

Two pistol shot.

Was this buckle used to fasten Boyle's shoe?

Come fly with me...

 A good shot of the site from on high. The darker green strip next to the walled garden may mean that this stretch of wall has been completely robbed out, thus the grass has grown better here than elsewhere, even during a heatwave. The north west corner trench will prove that, or otherwise. 

Another drawing of our house, as found by John S. Throws up a lot of questions rather than answers, but the drawing has to be taken with a pinch of salt, just like the painting.

Wash day

Processing the finds from G1 today.

The building materials, bone and pottery need washing, but not the metal or glass!

All washed and put out to dry in the heatwave.

Well done Judith and Sheila.

Saturday, 21 July 2018

Goodbye G1

Today was the last day in G1. All the walls have been recorded and finds bagged up. 

Pix of finds will be posted as soon as we have processed them.

Thanks to all who worked on G1 in a very hot summer. We now move on to the entrance porch area in August. 

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Dig Day VIII - droning on and on...

We were hosting today a very nice guy who has volunteered to take some pix of our site from the air! He is a professional drone photographer in the commercial sector. Of course we had the required paperwork permissions from the tenant. Here the drone takes to the air.

However, the swifts think it is a weird type of buzzard, so try to beat it up. 

The drone comes into base - yes, that small dot in the top right hand corner. 

Meanwhile, we did some recording of the drain foundation stones and walls. 

It is possible that we will finish trench G1 in the following two sessions and after a short break (Chris is off to see his grandsons in London) a new trench will be opened. The drone pix will be posted as soon as they are processed. 

Sunday, 15 July 2018

Dig Day VII

This weekend we had the digging machine to take off some of the demolition material and to extend the trench a little to find the corner of the building. It looks like the corner has been taken out, but the drain keeps going. The interior has failed to produce a basement and the walls sit on natural, with no bedding trench found or floors. It looks like all the stratigraphy has been dumped up to the walls and covered the drain. It is just a matter of uncovering the wall material and drain in this corner and recording. We have a drone coming on Wednesday to give us some aerial shots!     
Where has that wall gone? No corner, which is generally some of the best stone, so no surprise they took it. 

Saturday, 7 July 2018

Hot, hot, hot...

Pretty hot work today (29-30c), but some good digging was done.

The wall and drain was cleaned up and more of the drain floor exposed. Meanwhile reduction of the interior and exterior layers continued. 

The East facing wall sits on some rough stone foundation.

The drain and wall to the west is now exposed. More recording will now be done.  

Meanwhile the very hot weather has revealed some parch-marks and this is the porch and entrance of the manor house, 15m from where we are digging and matching the geophiz location exactly. We will dig a 5m square trench here to confirm.  

Happy New Year!